Monday, April 22, 2013


We're just six weeks away, and I can't wait! Would you believe I'm already making packing lists? Gonna premix whole wheat chocolate chip pancake mix!!!

Check out the geographic location of the Island, and you'll realize why such great marine life can be found there! Can't wait to share the dolphins with JD!!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Grivetti-Crock Wedding

What Hudec fun we have coming up! Before we talk about Edisto (it's coming, after Spring Break), why not check out the fun which is the upcoming wedding? Useful Links: Where: (Texas Hudecs got a cabin here) Guest information: We are planning on having an OUTDOOR ceremony. Being that it is March and it is Colorado please be prepared for any kind of weather!!! (i.e. shorts & tank tops or puffy pants & jackets!!!) Things to do in the area: Rocky Mountain National Park-- New Belguim Brewery Ft. Collins- (Ft. Collins is not far away but make reservations EARLY if you want to go; this place fills up fast!) Left Hand Brewery Longmont-- City of Loveland-- City of Ft. Collins-- Budweiser Brewery Tour-- City of Estes Park-- The Promenade Shops at Centerra Registries Bed, Bath, and Beyond REI Their Honeymoon is to ICELAND! You can donate to their Honeyfund, as a wedding gift! See you all there! Next post: Edisto!!!

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Okay, with this now as an App, I'm going to try to be more frequent.

Just starting the summer with JD, and I can tell this is going to be a fun one! At almost 11 months, he's really scooting around well! His favorite thing to put in his mouth, besides food, are carpet fibers, but we're looking at finally changing our floor to laminate wood, so he'll have to hunt down carpet fibers in the bedrooms only soon!

I'm working diligently to offer him as much variety in his food as possible, and still cooking everything he eats. He does love blueberries- have had to sacrifice a few shirts to that cause - and will really eat anything he is served for meals. Not the biggest fan of cauliflower it broccoli, but if you hide it with sweet potatoes or cheese, he'll eat it!

He just has the best laugh, and absolutely loves life. We have so much fun that I need naps as much as he does!

He had his first big travel experience on March, when we went to Italy witha custom program I planned. JD was such a great traveler, and had fun on the trip! He was just starting to roll around at that point, so it was nice to have a few hours a day to play on the hotel rooms' beds. Grazie da Dio that mom, Christi, Jim, Aunt Carol, Ursula, and Erin were on the trip, plus some outstanding kiddos and a great mom and daughter pair, Liz and Sarah Ennis. So happy to have had a successful trip, my tenth one to organize, as I'm thinking I probably won't be taking another group for a while. But JD and I might have to do an Italian immersion experience when he's a few years older...

More to share, but I need a little nap time, too!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Fall Risk

Wow . . . I really had no idea how much I WOULDN'T want to spend time on the computer during these special first weeks at home with the little guy! But here's an entry about the hospital stay, if only too brief before I go to lay down again . . .

James David Hudec was born on Tuesday, July 19, at 10:27 AM! He was 7 lbs. 9 oz, and 19 inches long, and had a good, strong cry when he came out! And what a beautiful, perfect baby (as I'm sure his grandparents will attest).

The surgical experience was really far less nightmarish than I had feared! I was set up in a preparation room, where they did some preliminary blood tests and got me set up on an IV (and, of course, put me into the standard favorite hospital gown). At around 10 AM, they invited Jay to get into his outfit for the surgical room, and they took me into the OR to get the epidural going, which happened super quickly. As did the rest of the surgery, once I was numb and ready for surgery - really, JD was out and sounding off within 15 minutes! After sewing and stapling me back up, they returned me, with Jay and JD, to the same prep room (now, the Recovery room), to encourage JD to nurse immediately, and give us a little time to see family (everyone was there and excited to see the big guy) and spend time together before we were moved to the postnatal room.

The hospital stay was such a great one - the nursing staff was amazing, and everyone was so responsive and helpful! Jay and I had JD stay in our room with us, which made changing and nursing so much easier (not to mention prompt - Jay has become a MASTER diaper changer!). Once I was moved to the Postnatal room after recovery time (which was about an hour long - unbelievable), we stayed there Tuesday afternoon through Friday lunchtime, when we were discharged. We had an extensive menu from which we could order our meals (I did have to consume a liquid diet for the first day and a half, but at least Jay could enjoy something yummy, and he was given some meal passes, which allowed him to eat at least two meals at day with me in the room).

Our first weekend home after discharge was such a wonderful one - Jay and I spent all our time with JD, and enjoyed visits from proud grandparents. And, beginning on Monday, an angel moved in (you all know her as my Mom) who spent the entire week with us in the house, helping me with changing and allowing me to rest as she spent time snuggling and taking pics and videos of JD. You've probably seen some on YouTube . . .

Today is my first one alone with JD, who has just laid down (and is making noise - I'm SO wanting to spend time with him that I'm cutting off this entry now!). I am so enjoying every moment with him during these next few weeks before I have to return to work. It's amazing how much he changes daily! I just can't keep my eyes off him!!! Jay and I are absolutely falling in love with JD.

In the OR, when JD was getting cleaned up, the nurses put three wristbands on me. One was my identification wristband (everytime they gave me medication, they would scan this one, to keep records), the wristband which paired me with JD (and Jay had a similar one, too), and then one with the big letters "FALL RISK", since I had received an epidural and couldn't walk for the first day.

Is there a risk of falling after giving birth? Heck, yes.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Lovin' the Love

No - Baby Hudec's not here yet, but just wanted to share a post with you on how much Jay and I appreciate the support we've received from friends and family during these past few months.

Thank you, church family and friends, for your prayers and for the yummy food you've sent/brought for meals! I so enjoyed Kori's visit, and Mary Bishop, we MUST get your brisket recipe. Oh, and Bob, I am still craving more smoked chicken, and Rachael knows how much I always like her baklava.

Thank you to all of you who have sent the awesome baby gifts! With as utilitarian as Jay and I are, we really appreciate both the useful gifts, as well as the beautiful ones, many which fall under both categories. I look forward to your seeing your gifts somewhere in pictures of the nursery in future posts!

Family, there aren't words to show as much gratitude as we feel for your love and support through these past few months. The Stobaughs and Schettlers have completely girded us for anything we might need, including all the baby clothes (and more) we could imagine, furniture for the nursery, and useful daily needs which we're quickly discovering are important. And, to the Moms and Dads, you have jumped every time we've needed you (and even in the times we didn't know we needed you!), helped with hanging and building, with stocking us up and with feeding us, and even with transporting (me, or just picking up/bringing over stuff)!

So much love and support, and baby hasn't even arrived yet! That's for next week . . .

L :)

P.S. Just had to brag on Jay - he has been such a great support for me, while I am on bed rest. Not only is he doing EVERYthing to keep the house together (cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc.), but he really wants to make sure everything has its place before Baby arrives . . . I love you, Jay.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Deep Thoughts on Bed Rest

Our friends mentioned keeping a running blog, so that their family and friends could keep up with their kiddos' goings-on. I thought, what a great idea! And something I can actually DO, while hanging out here on the sofa.

After the first two weeks of bed rest, TV has lost its appeal to me. And, realizing that I'd be in Italy right now (the group left last Friday - thank you, Dana, for chatting with me through last week about the trip - it was like I, too, was preparing for it), I started looking over the past years' blog entries, and realized what a great resource a blog is!

Jay and I are so excited about Baby Hudec's arrival (scheduled for July 18), but, with the way we're both planners, I don't think either of us feel READY! And, with my being put on bed rest, I've become really ineffective. Just good at making lists . . .

The next entry may just be the baby's arrival!